Saturday, May 30, 2020

OmniThreadLibrary 3.07.8

New OmniThreadLibrary is out! Get it while it’s hot!

Version 3.07.8 is mostly a bugfix release. It fixes few small bugs and enables support for Delphi 10.4.

You can get it now on git, download the ZIP archive, install it with Delphinus or with GetIt (in few days).

For more information, visit OmniThreadLibrary home page or write your question on the forum.

New features

  • Implemented IOmniTask.RegisterWaitObject with an anonymous method callback.
  • [Jacek Laskowski] donated a new OTL icon (res\OTL.ico).
  • Added Delphi 10.4 Sydney packages.

Bug fixes

  • [sglienke] A reference to an anonymous method executor in IOmniTask is cleaned up as soon as possible. This allows OTL tasks to be executed from a package. [issue #132]
  • TOmniMREW.TryEnterReadLock and .TryEnterWriteLock were returning True on timeout.
  • SetOnMessage(nil) works correctly.
  • Fixed invalid FreeAndNil of an interface in TOmniFuture<T>.Execute.
  • Compiles with Delphi 10.4 Sydney.


  1. Will we still want to use FastMM4 with 10.4?

    1. AFAIK 10.4 uses the same memory manager (maybe with a tweak or two but no big changes) as 10.3, so it is still good idea to fetch latest FastMM4 (or even FastMM5 - depending on your application) from github.
