Firstly, thanks to everybody who visited my RAD Studio 10 Seattle presentation! I’m sorry I had to improvise because of bad video drivers, but on the other hand RAD Studio performed great!
Secondly, here is a bunch of links I’ve promised.
Firstly, thanks to everybody who visited my RAD Studio 10 Seattle presentation! I’m sorry I had to improvise because of bad video drivers, but on the other hand RAD Studio performed great!
Secondly, here is a bunch of links I’ve promised.
My short spotlight presentation about high-level OmniThreadLibrary patterns is now available on YouTube.
EDIT: Make sure you read this post to the very end!
Are you developing a code that must work in different Delphi versions? Are you sick of writing code like
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 22}
class function Mapper<T1,T2>: IMapper<T1,T2>;
as you a) never know when some feature was introduced into Delphi and b) constantly wonder which version of Delphi has CompilerVersion equal to 22?
Then maybe you could use this simple include file.
Next Thursday (24th) I’ll be presenting new RAD Studio 10 Seattle in Ljubljana. This is announcement for Slovenian readers.
Naslednji četrtek (24.) se mi pridružite v kristalni palači na predstavitvi novega RAD Studia 10 Seattle, ki je po mnenju mnogih (in tudi mojem), ena boljših različic tega programskega orodja v zadnjih letih.
Predstavil vam bom izboljšano podporo za Windows 10 (v VCL in FMX), nove vizualne gradnike, izboljšave v IDE, novo podporo za mobilna okolja (razhroščevanje iOS 64-bit programov, pisanje sistemskih storitev za Android), novosti in izboljšave v sistemskih knjižnicah RTL, pa tudi novosti v prevajalnikih za C++ in še marsikaj.
Več podatkov o dogodku najdete tu.
Hear, hear, OmniThreadLibrary 3.05 has just been released!
What’s new? Not much.
There were, however, many quite important bug fixes. You are strongly advised to update to this version!