Thursday, February 10, 2011

OmniThreadLibrary Down Under

I’m very excited to announce that OmniThreadLibrary will appear before the Australian public in this year’s ADUG Symposium!


This year’s symposium will happen in Melbourne on 24th and in Sydney on 25th of March.

The title of my presentation will be “Getting full speed with Delphi?” and will cover multithreading programming and high-level OmniThreadLibrary stuff.

Getting full speed with Delphi
(Why single threaded is not good enough?)

In the last few years, the traditional approach to speeding up programs ("We'll just wait for the next generation of hardware.") doesn't work anymore.

In this talk, we'll see why Delphi programs use only 12.5 % CPU on a modern machine and what we can do about it.

The session will show you how to make murky waters of multithreading accessible to every Delphi developer with the help of open source OmniThreadLibrary.

In case you want to meet with me and discuss multithreading programming (or anything else, including life, universe and everything), I’ll be available before the Melbourne and after the Sydney event.


  1. Moz, will you be coming to the symposium?

  2. Anonymous13:44

    @gabr: read the whole post, dude

  3. @Anonymous: I don't get it. What are you trying to say?

  4. I don't think it makes any sense. But I'll be there. Truly odd DNS errors have stopped me reaching this site for weeks from home or work, but it's working again. Email me if you want to meet up beforehand (at the geek address)
