Because YOU asked for it … my units are now available on Google Code.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Important DSiWin32 and GpSecurity update
1) Lots of things fixed in DSiWin32 and great thanks to Christian Wimmer for pointing out the problems and suggesting some solutions.
2) By my mistake a very internal GpSecurity containing parts of JWA got included in some downloadable ZIP files. This was a direct violation of the JWA license and I apologize deeply for that. To fix this problem, a new GpSecurity was released which depends on the JWA.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Future of Delphi
Yesterday I wrote about futures in OmniThreadLibrary 2.0 (supported only in D2009+) and I mentioned that implementing futures in plain D2009+ should be really simple. And it really is – it took me all of 15 minutes to write the supporting library and a simple test case.
The code below is released to public domain. I’m claiming no copyrights – use it as you wish. You don’t even have to attribute it to me. Just don’t use it for evil purposes ;)
unit DelphiFuture; interface uses Classes; type IFuture<T> = interface function Value: T; end; TFutureDelegate<T> = reference to function: T; TFutureThread<T> = class(TThread) strict private FAction: TFutureDelegate<T>; FResult: T; public constructor Create(action: TFutureDelegate<T>); procedure Execute; override; property Result: T read FResult; end; TFuture<T> = class(TInterfacedObject, IFuture<T>) strict private FResult: T; FWorker: TFutureThread<T>; public constructor Create(action: TFutureDelegate<T>); function Value: T; end; implementation uses SysUtils; { TFutureThread<T> } constructor TFutureThread<T>.Create(action: TFutureDelegate<T>); begin inherited Create(false); FAction := action; end; procedure TFutureThread<T>.Execute; begin FResult := FAction(); end; { TFuture<T> } constructor TFuture<T>.Create(action: TFutureDelegate<T>); begin inherited Create; FWorker := TFutureThread<T>.Create(action); end; function TFuture<T>.Value: T; begin if assigned(FWorker) then begin FWorker.WaitFor; FResult := FWorker.Result; FreeAndNil(FWorker); end; Result := FResult; end; end.I’ve used my usual test case, calculating number of primes between 1 and 1.000.000.
implementation uses DelphiFuture; function IsPrime(i: integer): boolean; var j: integer; begin Result := false; if i <= 0 then Exit; for j := 2 to Round(Sqrt(i)) do if (i mod j) = 0 then Exit; Result := true; end; procedure TForm1.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject); var numPrimes: IFuture<integer>; begin numPrimes := TFuture<integer>.Create(function: integer var iPrime: integer; begin Result := 0; for iPrime := 1 to 1000000 do if IsPrime(iPrime) then Inc(Result); end ); lbLog.Items.Add(Format('%d primes from 1 to 1000000', [numPrimes.Value])); end;
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
OmniThreadLibrary 2.0 sneak preview [2]
Futures in the OTL were not planned – they just happened. In fact, they are so new that you won’t find them in the SVN. (Don’t worry, they’ll be committed soon.)
As a matter of fact, I always believed that futures must be supported by the compiler. That changed few weeks ago when somebody somewhere (sorry, can’t remember the time and place) asked if they can be implemented in the OmniThreadLibrary. That question made me rethink the whole issue and I found out that not only it’s possible to implement them without changing the compiler – the implementation is almost trivial!
In the OTL 2.0 you’ll be able to declare a future …
numPrimes: IOmniFuture<integer>;
… start the evaluation …
numPrimes := TOmniFuture<integer>.Create(a delegate returning integer);
… and wait on the result.
As simple as that. Declare the IOmniFuture<T>, create TOmniFuture<T> and retrieve the result by calling Value: T.
As a real-world example, the code below creates a future that calculates number of primes from 1 to CPrimesHigh and displays this value.
numPrimes: IOmniFuture<integer>;
numPrimes := TOmniFuture<integer>.Create(function: integer
i: integer;
Result := 0;
for i := 1 to CPrimesHigh do
if IsPrime(i) then
// do something else
lbLog.Items.Add(Format('%d primes from 1 to %d',
[numPrimes.Value, CPrimesHigh]));
As a general rule, I would recommend against putting too much of the code inside the future’s constructor. A following approach is more readable and easier to maintain.
function CountPrimesToHigh(high: integer): integer;
i: integer;
Result := 0;
for i := 1 to CPrimesHigh do
if IsPrime(i) then
numPrimes: IOmniFuture<integer>;
numPrimes := TOmniFuture<integer>.Create(function: integer
Result := CountPrimesToHigh(CPrimesHigh);
// do something else
lbLog.Items.Add(Format('%d primes from 1 to %d',
[numPrimes.Value, CPrimesHigh]));
Or you can take another step and create a future factory. That’s especially recommended if you’ll be using futures of the same kind in different places.
function StartCountingPrimesTo(high: integer): TOmniFuture<integer>;
Result := TOmniFuture<integer>.Create(function: integer
i: integer;
Result := 0;
for i := 1 to high do
if IsPrime(i) then
numPrimes: IOmniFuture<integer>;
numPrimes := StartCountingPrimesTo(CPrimesHigh);
// do something else
lbLog.Items.Add(Format('%d primes from 1 to %d',
[numPrimes.Value, CPrimesHigh]));
Believe it or not, the whole implementation fits in 27 lines (not counting empty lines).
TOmniFutureDelegate<T> = reference to function: T;
IOmniFuture<T> = interface
function Value: T;
end; { IOmniFuture<T> }
TOmniFuture<T> = class(TInterfacedObject, IOmniFuture<T>)
ofResult: T;
ofTask : IOmniTaskControl;
constructor Create(action: TOmniFutureDelegate<T>);
function Value: T;
end; { TOmniFuture<T> }
constructor TOmniFuture<T>.Create(action: TOmniFutureDelegate<T>);
ofTask := CreateTask(procedure (const task: IOmniTask)
ofResult := action();
'TOmniFuture action').Run;
end; { TOmniFuture<T>.Create }
function TOmniFuture<T>.Value: T;
ofTask := nil;
Result := ofResult;
end; { TOmniFuture<T>.Value }
As you can see, the whole OTL task support is only used to simplify background thread creation. It would be quite simple to implement futures around Delphi’s own TThread. In fact, I think I’ll just go ahead and implement it!
Monday, June 14, 2010
OmniThreadLibrary 2.0 sneak preview [1]
You may have noticed that I’ve been strangely silent for the past two months. The reason for that is OmniThreadLibrary version 2. [And lots of other important work that couldn’t wait. And the OmniThreadLibrary version 2.]
The OTL 2.0 is not yet ready but I’ve decided to pre-announce some features. They are, after all, available to all programmers following the SVN trunk.
While the focus of the OTL 1 was to provide programmers with simple to use multithreading primitives, OTL 2 focuses mostly on the higher-level topics like parallel for and futures.
Caveat: Parallel For and Futures will work only in Delphi 2009 and newer. The implementation of both heavily depends on generics and anonymous methods and those are simply not available in Delphi 2007. Sorry, people. [I’m sad too – I’m still using Delphi 2007 for my day job.]
Parallel For
Parallel.ForEach was introduced in release 1.05 but that version was purely “technical preview” – a simple “let’s see if this can be done at all” implementation. In the last few months, Parallel.ForEach backend was completely redesigned which allowed the frontend (the API) to be vastly improved.
The basic ForEach(from, to: integer) has not changed much. The only difference is that the parameter type of the Execute delegate is now “integer” and not “TOmniValue”.
Parallel.ForEach(1, testSize).Execute(
procedure (const elem: integer)
if IsPrime(elem) then
A trivial example, of course, but it shows the simplicity of Parallel.ForEach. The code passed to the Execute will be executed in parallel on all possible cores. [The outQueue parameter is of type TOmniBlockingCollection which allows Add to be called from multiple threads simultaneously.]
If you have data in a container that supports enumeration (with one limitation – enumerator must be implemented as a class, not as an interface or a record) then you can enumerate over it in parallel.
nodeList := TList.Create;
procedure (const elem: integer)
if IsPrime(elem) then
The new ForEach backend allows parallel loops to be executed asynchronously. In the code sample below, the parallel loop tests numbers for primeness and adds primes to a TOmniBlockingCollection queue. A normal for loop, executing in parallel with the parallel loop, reads numbers from this queue and displays them on the screen.
prime : TOmniValue;
primeQueue: IOmniBlockingCollection;
primeQueue := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create;
Parallel.ForEach(1, 1000).NoWait
procedure (const value: integer)
if IsPrime(value) then begin
for prime in primeQueue do begin
This code depends on a TOmniBlockingCollection feature, namely that the enumerator will block when the queue is empty unless CompleteAdding is called [more info]. That’s why the OnStop delegate must be provided – without it the “normal” for loop would never stop. (It would just wait forever on the next element.)
While this shows two powerful functions (NoWait and OnStop) it is also kind of complicated and definitely not a code I would want to write too many times. That’s why OmniThreadLibrary also provides a syntactic sugar in a way of the Into function.
prime : TOmniValue;
primeQueue: IOmniBlockingCollection;
primeQueue := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create;
Parallel.ForEach(1, 1000).PreserveOrder.NoWait
procedure (const value: integer; var res: TOmniValue)
if IsPrime(value) then
res := value;
for prime in primeQueue do begin
This code demoes few different enhacements to the ForEach loop. Firstly, you can order the Parallel subsystem to preserve input order by calling the PreservedOrder function. [In truth, this function doesn’t work yet. That’s the part I’m currently working on.]
Secondly, because Into is called, ForEach will automatically call CompleteAdding on the parameter passed to the Into when the loop completes. No need for the ugly OnStop call.
Thirdly, Execute (also because of the Into) takes a delegate with a different signature. Instead of a standard ForEach signature procedure (const value: T) you have to provide it with a procedure (const value: integer; var res: TOmniValue). If the output parameter (res) is set to any value inside this delegate, it will be added to the Into queue and if it is not modified inside the deletage, it will not be added to the Into queue. Basically, the parallel loop body is replaced with the code below and this code calls your own delegate (loopBody).
result := TOmniValue.Null;
while (not Stopped) and localQueue.GetNext(value) do begin
loopBody(value, result);
if not result.IsEmpty then begin
result := TOmniValue.Null;
The NoWait and Into provide you with a simple way to chain Parallel loops and implement multiple parallel processing stages. [Although this works in the current version, the OtlParallel does nothing to balance the load between all active Parallel loops. I’m not yet completely sure that this will be supported in the 2.0 release.]
dataQueue : IOmniBlockingCollection;
prime : TOmniValue;
resultQueue: IOmniBlockingCollection;
dataQueue := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create;
resultQueue := TOmniBlockingCollection.Create;
Parallel.ForEach(1, 1000)
procedure (const value: integer; var res: TOmniValue)
if IsPrime(value) then
res := value;
Parallel.ForEach<integer>(dataQueue as IOmniValueEnumerable)
procedure (const value: integer; var res: TOmniValue)
// Sophie Germain primes
if IsPrime(2*value + 1) then
res := value;
for prime in primeQueue do begin
[BTW, there will be a better way to enumerate over TOmniBlockingCollection in the OTL 2.0 release. Passing “dataQueue as IOmniValueEnumerable” to the ForEach is ugly.]
If you want to iterate over something very nonstandard, you can write a “GetNext” delegate:
function (var value: integer): boolean
value := i;
Result := (i <= testSize);
procedure (const elem: integer)
In case you wonder what the possible iteration sources are, here’s the full list:
ForEach(const enumerable: IOmniValueEnumerable): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(const enum: IOmniValueEnumerator): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(const enumerable: IEnumerable): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(const enum: IEnumerator): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(const sourceProvider: TOmniSourceProvider): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(enumerator: TEnumeratorDelegate): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach(low, high: integer; step: integer = 1): IOmniParallelLoop<integer>;
ForEach<T>(const enumerable: IOmniValueEnumerable): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(const enum: IOmniValueEnumerator): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(const enumerable: IEnumerable): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(const enum: IEnumerator): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(const enumerable: TEnumerable<T>): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(const enum: TEnumerator<T>): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach<T>(enumerator: TEnumeratorDelegate<T>): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
ForEach(const enumerable: TObject): IOmniParallelLoop;
ForEach<T>(const enumerable: TObject): IOmniParallelLoop<T>;
The last two versions are used to iterate over any object that supports class-based enumerators. Sadly, this feature is only available in Delphi 2010 because it uses extended RTTI to access the enumerator and its methods.
Parallel For Implementation
The backend allows for efficient parallel enumeration even when the enumeration source is not threadsafe. You can be assured that the data passed to the ForEach will be accessed only from one thread at the same time (although this will not always be the same thread). Only in special occasions, when backend knows that the source is threadsafe (for example when IOmniValueEnumerator is passed to the ForEach), the data will be accessed from multiple threads at the same time.
I’m planning to write an article of the parallel for implementation but it will have to wait until the PreserveOrder is implemented. At the moment backend implementation is not fixed yet.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
A seriously overdue update
- Implemented DSiHasElapsed64 and DSiElapsedTime64.
- Implemented DSiLogonAs and DSiVerifyPassword.
- DSiGetProcAddress made public.
- Prefetching parameters are now configurable - TGpHugeFileStream.Create and .CreateW got parameters waitObject and numPrefetchBuffers which are passed to ResetEx/RewriteEx.
- TStringList helper split into TStrings and TStringList helpers
- Implemented TGpFileStream class and two SafeCreateGpFileStream functions.
- Unicode fixes.
- Disable inlining for Delphi 2007 because of compiler bugs.
- Added functions AtEnd and BytesLeft, AsAnsiString property and WriteAnsiStr method to the TStream class helper.
- Implemented TGpFixedMemoryStream.CreateA and fixed TGpFixedMemoryStream.Create.
- Important bug fix! When the folder was deleted, it was not removed from the folder cache. Because of that, subsequent FolderExists call succeeded instead of failed, which could cause all sorts of weird problems.
- Implemented overloads for Increment and Decrement in TGp4AlignedInt and TGp8AlignedInt64.
- Implemented Add/Subtract methods in TGp4AlignedInt and TGp8AlignedInt64.
- OpenArrayToVarArray supports vtUnicodeString variant type.
- Message queue works with Unicode Delphi, backwards compatible.
- Implemented 'lines in a text stream' enumerator EnumLines.
- Implemented TGpTextStream.EOF.
- Implemented text stream filter FilterTxt.
All free as usual. Enjoy!
Monday, June 07, 2010
What drives us
Monkeys work harder when they are not rewarded. People do, too.
Daniel H. Pink [wikipedia] collected the evidence about that fact and wrote (supposedly very good, didn’t read it yet) book Drive.
That’s not why I’m writing this post.
People are asking me from time to time why do I put so much work into providing free code and knowledge to the community.
My usual answer to that is: “Er, that’s hard to explain. I feel the need.” (Yep, that kind of need.)
But that’s also not why I’m writing this post.
Not so much ago, RSA Animate published an 11-minute YouTube video containing a concentrated version of Daniel Pink’s talk based on the Drive book.
Now that’s why I’m writing this post!
This concentrated version of the book is so great that I definitely want to read the whole thing (in fact I already bought the Kindle version).
Even more – at 8:44 it defines me in few words: “Challenge, mastery and making a contribution.”
Exactly! I need the challenge, I want to master the subject and then I want to make a contribution!
Thanks to Dan Pink and the great people at RSA Animate I learned something about myself.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Synchronisation in a multithreaded environment
Blaise Pascal #11 is out containing the third installment of my multithreading series, this time dealing with the synchronisation.