
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Unhibernating – with a T-shirt

Dear reader,

I’m fully aware that I was silent for a long long time.

That’s how life goes. Sometimes you have time to think and write and sometimes software has bugs, children are growing, house is telling you that it shouldn’t be in the “fixer-upper” mode anymore and the body starts warning that the guaranty has expired. Plus the days suddenly have only 24 hours and not 28 as it was customary for the last ten years.

In short – I had no time. Life was going on. And around. And over me. Especially over me.

Luckily, everything is turning out fine and I will again write about my Delphi adventures.

Today I visited the RAD Studio 2010 presentation organized by Embarcadero and Slovenian Delphi dealer, Marand. Mark Barrington and Pawel Glowacki were showing RAD Studio 2010, Embarcadero’s database tools and All-Access. Sadly, I only had time to attend the Delphi session which was very good and informative. (Thumbs up, Pawel!)

There were also T-shirts and I was lucky to get one.


Nice T-shirt but it’s even better if you look closer at the code.


Parallel Erathostenes sieve! That’s definitely the code I can appreciate!

[For the OTL fans – OTL is alive and well and I will publish next version sometime in October. And then I’ll write the documentation. Promise.]