Sunday, March 25, 2007

Inside the Windows Vista Kernel

If you want to do serious (non-GUI :) ) programming on Vista, I heartily recommend following three-part series on Vista Kernel written by one-and-only Mark Russinovich:

Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 1 (thread priority and scheduling, file-based symbolic links, canceling I/O operations)

Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 2 (memory management, startup and shutdown, power management)

Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 3 (reliability, recovery, security)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Delphi 2007 is here!

Delphi 2007 has gone gold and will be available for download soon (in some countries, it already is). Read more at Steve Trefethen's blog.

If you can't decide whether you want to buy it or not, check BetaBlogger blogs. We've written quite some words on D2007 (blogs are sorted alphabetically, posts chronologically):

(If I forgot to link anybody, it wasn't on purpose. Please post any additional URLs in the comments.)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Default array properties - There Can Be Only One. Not!

I was in total awe today when I found out that there can be more than one default array property in a single class. And I thought that I know everything about Object Pascal!

I also come across a great way to use records and Implicit operator.

And what's the best - I learned both things in a single blog entry - Overloading array properties in Delphi/Win32! Recommended!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Glassy Delphi

In Fun with enumerators, part 5 I wrote

"Class helpers offer us a way to extend classes that we cannot touch otherwise. For example, they are used inside Delphi 2007's VCL to add glass support to TCustomForm (it was impossible to extend TCustomForm itself as D2007 is a non-breaking release)."

For all interested - Hallvard just published nice description of how glass support was added to the TCustomForm.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fun with enumerators

Boy, was this an interesting trip.

For the last six days I was writing a series of articles on Delphi enumerators, one day each. In some way, this was very similar to something else I like to do - writing magazine articles on computer-related topics. So similar that I planned this series exactly as I'm planning an article. In some other way, it was also very different. Later posts I adapted based on feedback from earlier ones. For example, Part 6 was not included in the original article outline. This topic came to my mind while I was reading reader comments. In a way, it was like working with a very eager editor who is checking every chapter immediately I'm finished with it. Or, if you want, it was similar to pair programming.

In a way, writing this series was more like writing a book. If that's so, I have something more to write - a table of contents. It will help new readers to read whole series or just find the part they are interested in. So without further ado, here is the

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Introduction

Contains a short introduction on Delph iterators ( statement) and describes Delphi support for iterator extensibility.

Part 2 - Additional enumerators

Shows how to add an additional enumerator to a class that already contains one.

Part 3 - Parameterized enumerators

This chapter takes Part 2 topic one level further by introducing enumerator parameters.

Part 4 - External enumerators

In this chapter you'll learn how to create enumerators without changing the class they are enumerating.

Part 5 - Class helper enumerators

Shows how to create additional enumerators using class helpers and how to use same technique to add enumerators to classes that don't have one.

Part 6 - Generators

The last chapter shows how to write enumerators that work on their own data, not on some external structure. It also includes full source code of a demo program and all enumerators described in the series.

Make sure you'll also read comments to those posts - some quite interesting ideas are hidden there.

[If you liked my articles, feel free to tell others about them. Thanks!]

Updated 2007-11-13

Hallvard Vassbotn posted interesting observations on enumerator performance in More fun with Enumerators.

Allen Bauer found a new use of the enumerator pattern in Stupid Enumerator Tricks - And now for something completely different.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 6 - generators

[Part 1 - Introduction, Part 2 - Additional enumerators, Part 3 - Parameterized enumerators, Part 4 - External enumerators, Part 5 - Class helper enumerators.]

This was a long and interesting trip but it has to end some day. And it will end today. Just one last small topic to cover ...

in Part 4 I mentioned that we could abuse enumerators to the point where they are not working on any external structure. My example for such generator which is providing its own enumeration data was

for i in Fibonacci(10) do

and I promised to show you how to write it.

Again, we will start with a 'standard' enumerator factory, the one that we used a lot in parts 4 and 5.

  IEnumFibonacciFactory = interface
function GetEnumerator: TEnumFibonacci;

TEnumFibonacciFactory = class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFibonacciFactory)
FUpperBound: integer;
constructor Create(upperBound: integer);
function GetEnumerator: TEnumFibonacci;

function Fibonacci(upperBound: integer): IEnumFibonacciFactory;

Enumerator is slightly trickier this time - it prepares requested data in the constructor and uses MoveNext to move over this data.

  TEnumFibonacci = class
FFibArray: array of integer;
FIndex: integer;
constructor Create(upperBound: integer);
function GetCurrent: integer;
function MoveNext: boolean;
property Current: integer read GetCurrent;

constructor TEnumFibonacci.Create(upperBound: integer);
i: integer;
SetLength(FFibArray, upperBound);
if upperBound >= 1 then
FFibArray[0] := 1;
if upperBound >= 2 then
FFibArray[1] := 1;
for i := 2 to upperBound - 1 do
FFibArray[i] := FFibArray[i-1] + FFibArray[i-2];
FIndex := -1;

function TEnumFibonacci.GetCurrent: integer;
Result := FFibArray[FIndex];

function TEnumFibonacci.MoveNext: boolean;
Result := FIndex < High(FFibArray);
if Result then

Test code follows the well-learned pattern.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnFibonacciClick(Sender: TObject);
i : integer;
ln: string;
ln := '';
for i in Fibonacci(10) do begin
if ln <> '' then
ln := ln + ', ';
ln := ln + IntToStr(i);
lbLog.Items.Add('Generator: ' + ln);

And now it really is a time to say goodbye. At least to this series - I intend to write many more blog entries. It was an interesting experience for me and I hope an interesting reading for you, dear reader. If you liked it, tell that to others so that they may enjoy it too.

[A full source code of the demo program including all enumerators is available at]

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 5 - class helper enumerators

[Part 1 - Introduction, Part 2 - Additional enumerators, Part 3 - Parameterized enumerators, Part 4 - External enumerators.]

Last time we saw how to add enumeration to the classes we cannot modify by using global functions. Today I'll show you another way - enumerators can be added by using class helpers.

Class helpers offer us a way to extend classes that we cannot touch otherwise. For example, they are used inside Delphi 2007's VCL to add glass support to TCustomForm (it was impossible to extend TCustomForm itself as D2007 is a non-breaking release and must keep compatibility with D2006 DCUs and BPLs).

Class helpers are actually a heavy compiler trickstery. When you declare a class helper, you're not extending original virtual method table, you just get a new global function that takes a hidden parameter to 'Self' and uses it when calling other class helpers or methods from the original class. It's quite confusing and I don't want to dig much deeper in this direction. Suffice to say that class helpers allow you to create a very strong make-beliefe that new method was added to an existing class. (Some more data on class helpers can be found in Delphi help.)

Instead of writing new enumerator we'll be reusing existing TStringsEnumReversed and TStringsEnumReversedFactory from Part 4. We'll just add new class helper that will replace the EnumReversed global function.

  TStringsEnumReversedHelper = class helper for TStrings
function EnumReversed: IStringsEnumReversedFactory;

function TStringsEnumReversedHelper.EnumReversed: IStringsEnumReversedFactory;
Result := TStringsEnumReversedFactory.Create(Self);

Believe it or not, that's it. We can now use EnumReversed as if it was a method of the TStrings class.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnReverseLogWithCHClick(Sender: TObject);
s : string;
sl: TStringList;
sl := TStringList.Create;
for s in lbLog.Items.EnumReversed do

That looks good, but what I'll show you next will be even better.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnClassHelperClick(Sender: TObject);
b : TBits;
ln: string;
i : integer;
b := TBits.Create;
b[1] := true; b[3] := true; b[5] := true;
ln := '';
for i in b do
ln := ln + IntToStr(i);
lbLog.Items.Add('Class helper enumerator: ' + ln);

Here we created an instance of the TBits class and then used standard enumeration pattern (check it out - it says for i in b do - no extra properties or functions are hiding here!) to get all set bits (1, 3, and 5). And what's so great here? Check the TBits definition in Classes.pas - it doesn't contain any enumerator!

Again, a class helper did the magic.

  TBitsEnumHelper = class helper for TBits
function GetEnumerator: TBitsEnum;

function TBitsEnumHelper.GetEnumerator: TBitsEnum;
Result := TBitsEnum.Create(Self);

This time we injected GetEnumerator function directly into the base class. That removed the need for intermediate factory interface/class.

There are no special tricks in the enumerator definition.

  TBitsEnum = class
FOwner: TBits;
FIndex: integer;
constructor Create(owner: TBits);
function GetCurrent: integer;
function MoveNext: boolean;
property Current: integer read GetCurrent;

constructor TBitsEnum.Create(owner: TBits);
FOwner := owner;
FIndex := -1;

function TBitsEnum.GetCurrent: integer;
Result := FIndex;

function TBitsEnum.MoveNext: boolean;
Result := false;
while FIndex < (FOwner.Size-1) do begin
if FOwner[FIndex] then begin
Result := true;
break; //while

Admit it, class helpers are great. They can also be great source of problems. Class helpers were introduced mainly for internal CodeGear use and they have one big limitation - at any given moment, there can be at most one helper active for a given class.

You can define and associate multiple class helpers with a single class type. However, only zero or one class helper applies in any specific location in source code. The class helper defined in the nearest scope will apply. Class helper scope is determined in the normal Delphi fashion (i.e. right to left in the unit's uses clause). [excerpt from Delphi help]

IOW, if Delphi already includes class helper for a class and you write another, you'll loose the Delphi-provided functionality. (You can inherit from the Delphi class helper though - read more in Delphi help.) Use class helpers with care!

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 4 - external enumerators

[Part 1 - Introduction, Part 2 - Additional enumerators, Part 3 - Parameterized enumerators.]

Welcome back, dear reader. If you were following this short series since Day 1, you now know how to create additional enumerators for a class. Today we'll do something even more interesting – we'll add an enumerator to a class that we cannot modify or derive from.

For example, in comments to Part 1 Renaud created enumerator for TDataSet by descending from it. His solution, however, is not practical when TDataSet is created somewhere deep in the class hierarchy.

Another example - one that we'll use today - is additional enumerator for TStrings. This class is used in various stock VCL components (ListBox.Items, Memo.Lines ...). It already provides an enumerator (iterating over all strings in the container), but just for the fun of it we'll add a reverse enumerator – one that will start with the last string and proceed toward beginning of the container.

Let's take another look at the pseudocode describing compiler-generated implementation of a generic loop.

enumerator := list.GetEnumerator;
while enumerator.MoveNext do
//do something with enumerator.Current;

In Part two we used enumerator := list.SomeProperty.GetEnumerator to access secondary enumerator and in Part three we used enumerator := list.SomeFunction(param).GetEnumerator to access parameterized enumerator. Delphi compiler is not picky when parsing parameters for the loop. We can provide it with anything that implements GetEnumerator function. And nobody says that this 'anything' must come from a same class hierarchy as the enumerated targed. We can simply write a global function that will return some object with public GetEnumerator.

Let's repeat this: "There is no enforced connection between the factory that provides GetEnumerator and the structure we are enumerating." In fact, there may not be any structure at all. Delphi provider will be perfectly satisfied with this code generating Fibonacci numbers as long as we write correct factory and enumerator:

for i in Fibonacci(10) do

[I promise to show you the code to Fibonacci enumerator tomorrow. Or maybe the day after.]

By now it should be obvious what I'm leading at. We can write a global function taking TStrings parameter and returning an enumerator factory for this TStrings. We would then use it like this:

for s in ExternalEnumerator(stringList) do
// do something with s

ExternalEnumerator takes object we want to be enumerated, creates factory object for it and returns this factory object. Compiler then calls GetEnumerator on that factory object to get enumerator object. Then it uses enumerator object to enumerate stringList. At the end, compiler destroys enumerator object. But still the factory object exists and is not destroyed. How can we destroy it when it is no longer needed?

Simple, we will use helpful Delphi compiler. Instead of returning object reference from the ExternalEnumerator, we'll return an interface. Compiler will automatically manage its lifetime and will destroy it when it's no longer needed.

It looks like we have all parts ready now:

  • We will write interface defining GetEnumerator function and enumerator factory implementing this interface.

  • External enumerator function will create new enumerator factory object and return it.

  • Compiler will call GetEnumerator on the factory object, complete the loop and destroy the enumerator object.

  • Some time later (maybe at the end of the loop, maybe at the end of the method containing loop - this is implementation specific and may differ between different versions of the compiler) enumerator factory interface will go out of scope and compiler will destroy the factory object.

  • And that's all folks.

First we need an interface defining GetEnumerator, enumerator factory class implementing this interface and enumerator function.

  IStringsEnumReversedFactory = interface
function GetEnumerator: TStringsEnumReversed;

TStringsEnumReversedFactory = class(TInterfacedObject, IStringsEnumReversedFactory)
FOwner: TStrings;
constructor Create(owner: TStrings);
function GetEnumerator: TStringsEnumReversed;

function EnumReversed(strings: TStrings): IStringsEnumReversedFactory;
Result := TStringsEnumReversedFactory.Create(strings);

Then we need an enumerator, but that's trivial especially as we've written many of them already.

  TStringsEnumReversed = class
FOwner: TStrings;
FListIndex: integer;
constructor Create(owner: TStrings);
function GetCurrent: string;
function MoveNext: boolean;
property Current: string read GetCurrent;

constructor TStringsEnumReversed.Create(owner: TStrings);
FOwner := owner;
FListIndex := owner.Count;

function TStringsEnumReversed.GetCurrent: string;
Result := FOwner[FListIndex];

function TStringsEnumReversed.MoveNext: boolean;
Result := FListIndex > 0;
if Result then

We can now write a simple tester:

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnReverseClick(Sender: TObject);
ln: string;
s : string;
ln := '';
for s in EnumReversed(FslTest) do
ln := ln + s;
lbLog.Items.Add('External enumerator: ' + ln);

And here's a proof that EnumReversed really works.

It is maybe not obvious what really happens here, so let's take another look at this loop - this time written as Delphi compiler implements it.

ln: string;
s: string;
enum: TStringsEnumReversed;
tmpIntf: IStringsEnumReversedFactory;
ln := '';
tmpIntf := EnumReverse(FslTest);
enum := tmpIntf.GetEnumerator;
while enum.MoveNext do
ln := ln + enum.Current;
lbLog.Items.Add('External enumerator: ' + ln);
tmpIntf := nil;

As we've mentioned at the very beginning, this approach allows us to use enumerators on base classes (TStrings in our example), so here's a simple code that reverses items in the TListBox I'm using to display test results:

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnReverseLogClick(Sender: TObject);
s : string;
sl: TStringList;
sl := TStringList.Create;
for s in EnumReversed(lbLog.Items) do



That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll show you another trick that will allow you to write loop from the last example as for s in lbLog.Items.EnumReversed do.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 3 - parameterized enumerators

[Part 1 - Introduction, Part 2 - Additional enumerators.]

In first two installments of this series, we took a look at statement, described Delphi support for custom enumerators and demonstrated one possible way to add additional enumerator to a class that already implements one.

Today we'll implement a parameterized enumerator. Enumerators of this kind can be especially handy when used as filters. For example, an enumerator that takes a class reference as a parameter can be used to filter a TObjectList containing objects of many different classes.

IOW, we would like to write a following construct: for obj in list.Enum(TSomeClass) do. Clearly, Enum cannot be a property anymore, but it can be a function.

We can still use an enumerator factory object stored inside our class (as in the Part 2). Besides that, we must implement enumeration function that will take one or more parameters, preserve them inside the factory object and return the factory object so that Delphi compiler can call its GetEnumerator function.

Sounds complicated but in reality it really is simple.

First we have to add an internal factory object and an enumeration function to the TCustomStringList class.

  TCustomStringList = class(TStringList)
FEnumEveryNth: TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
function SkipEveryNth(skip: integer): TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory;

constructor TCustomStringList.Create;
FEnumEveryNth := TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory.Create(Self);

destructor TCustomStringList.Destroy;

function TCustomStringList.SkipEveryNth(skip: integer): TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory;
FEnumEveryNth.Skip := skip;
Result := FEnumEveryNth;

Enumeration function SkipEveryNth takes one parameter and passes it to the factory object. Then it returns this factory object.

We also need a new factory class. This is an extended version of factory class from Part 2. It must implement storage for all enumerator parameters. In this case, this storage is implemented via property Skip.

  TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory = class
FOwner: TCustomStringList;
FSkip: integer;
constructor Create(owner: TCustomStringList);
function GetEnumerator: TCSLEnumEveryNth;
property Skip: integer read FSkip write FSkip;

constructor TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory.Create(owner: TCustomStringList);
inherited Create;
FOwner := owner;
FSkip := 1;

function TCSLEnumEveryNthFactory.GetEnumerator: TCSLEnumEveryNth;
Result := TCSLEnumEveryNth.Create(FOwner, FSkip);

As you can see, GetEnumerator was also changed - in addition to passing FOwner to the created enumerator, it also passes current value of the Skip property.

New enumerator is very similar to the one from the Part 2, except that it advances list index by the specified ammount (instead of advancing it by 2).

  TCSLEnumEveryNth = class
FOwner: TCustomStringList;
FListIndex: integer;
FSkip: integer;
constructor Create(owner: TCustomStringList; skip: integer);
function GetCurrent: string;
function MoveNext: boolean;
property Current: string read GetCurrent;

constructor TCSLEnumEveryNth.Create(owner: TCustomStringList; skip: integer);
FOwner := owner;
FListIndex := -skip;
FSkip := skip;

function TCSLEnumEveryNth.GetCurrent: string;
Result := FOwner[FListIndex];

function TCSLEnumEveryNth.MoveNext: boolean;
Inc(FListIndex, FSkip);
Result := (FListIndex < FOwner.Count);

We can now write some test code.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnSkipEveryThirdClick(Sender: TObject);
ln: string;
s : string;
ln := '';
for s in FslTest.SkipEveryNth(3) do
ln := ln + s;
lbLog.Items.Add('Parameterized enumerator: ' + ln);

Delphi compiler will translate this roughly into

enumerator := FslTest.SkipEveryNth(3).GetEnumerator;
while enumerator.MoveNext do
ln := ln + enumerator.Current;

So what is going on here?

  1. FslTest.SkipEveryNth(3) sets  FslTest.FEnumEveryNth.Skip to 3 and returns FslTest.FEnumEveryNth.

  2. Compiler calls FslTest.FEnumEveryNth.GetEnumerator.

  3. FslTest.FEnumEveryNth,GetEnumerator calls TCSLEnumEveryNth.Create(FslTest, 3) and returns newly created object.

  4. Enumerator loops until MoveNext returns false.

Test code result:

Tomorrow we'll do something even more interesting - we'll add new enumerator to existing class without creating a derived class.

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Delphi 2007 - New Vista dialogs

Delphi 2007 supports new-style Open/Save dialogs on Vista, allows you to configure new features in those dialogs and does it in a way that's compatible with older applications. Sadly, it only does two out of three things at once (admittedly, even that is a lot and more would be a pure magic).

If you know you'll be running on Vista, you can use new TFileOpenDialog (or TFileSaveDialog - everything I'll tell you about Open dialog holds also for Save dialog) which exposes new properties, such as FavoriteLinks and OkButtonLabel, and new options. But if you'll try to open this dialog on pre-Vista Windows, you'll only get an error message. (Still, that app will load fine up to the point when you actually try to display the dialog, so it is entirely possible to code two paths in your application, one using TFileOpenDialog if OS is Vista and another using TOpenDialog in all other cases.)

If you use TOpenDialog, you'll get an old-shool dialog, but it will work on all Windows.

And then there's a third possibility - you can use TOpenDialog while setting the global variable UseLatestCommonDialogs (declared in Dialogs.pas) to True. In that case, TOpenDialog will use new-style dialog on Vista and old-style dialog on older Windows. However, you'll not be able to specify any new Vista-only properties (like the OkButtonLabel I mentioned above).

In visual summary, your options are:


TOpenDialog +


Windows XP

Besides file open/save dialogs, Delphi 2007 includes support for task dialogs. TTaskDialog components allows for simple creation of task dialogs, together with icons, expanded section, progress bar etc. Of course, it will only work on Windows Vista.

[I'm blogging about Spacely - the beta version of Delphi 2007 for Win32 - with special permission given from CodeGear.]

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 2 - multiple enumerators

In the first installment of this series, we just repeated some well-known facts about the language construct and the implementation of enumerators. Today I'll show a way to implement additional enumerators for a class.

To start, let's write some test framework. Instead of creating a new class implementing an enumerator, we'll just inherit from the TStringList. That way, we get existing TStringList enumerator 'for free'.

TCustomStringList = class(TStringList)

To make things simple, an instance of this class is initialized with one-letter strings from 'a' to 'z' in form's OnCreate handler.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ch: char;
FslTest := TCustomStringList.Create;
for ch := 'a' to 'z' do

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

To test it, we'll iterate over the list and collect all lines into a single line.

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnStandardIteratorClick(Sender: TObject);
ln: string;
s : string;
ln := '';
for s in FslTest do
ln := ln + s;
lbLog.Items.Add('Standard enumerator: ' + ln);

And here's a result of this test code:

Standard enumerator

All good, all well, all very trivial. But our mission was not to test existing enumerator, but to add a new one. So let's take a look at the pseudo-code describing the inner working of the implementation.

enumerator := list.GetEnumerator;
while enumerator.MoveNext do
//do something with enumerator.Current;

The important fact is that enumerator is created directly from the parameter that is passed to the construct (list, in our case). After that, this parameter is not needed anymore and only operates on the enumerator.

To get a new behaviour, we have to provide a different enumerator. To do that, we have to pass a different object to the loop. This object has to provide a GetEnumerator function, which the compiler will use to implement

In short, we need a factory class that will generate new enumerator and a property inside our main class that will provide this factory to the loop.

  TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory = class
FOwner: TCustomStringList;
constructor Create(owner: TCustomStringList);
function GetEnumerator: TCSLEnumEverySecond;

TCustomStringList = class(TStringList)
FEnumEverySecond: TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property SkipEverySecond: TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory read FEnumEverySecond;

Now we can write

procedure TfrmFunWithEnumerators.btnSkipEverySecondClick(Sender: TObject);
ln: string;
s : string;
ln := '';
for s in FslTest.SkipEverySecond do
ln := ln + s;
lbLog.Items.Add('Additional enumerator: ' + ln);

and Delphi compiler will translate it (approximately) into

enumerator := FslTest.SkipEverySecond.GetEnumerator;
while enumerator.MoveNext do
ln := ln + enumerator.Current;

We have a winner! That's exactly what we wanted to achieve.

The other parts of the puzzle are simple. The SkipEverySecond factory can be created in the TCustomStringList constructor. We have to pass it Self object (for the reason we'll come to in a minute).

constructor TCustomStringList.Create;
FEnumEverySecond := TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory.Create(Self);

destructor TCustomStringList.Destroy;

The factory class is simple. It has to remember the owner (TCustomStringList) that was passed to the constructor so that it can pass it on to the enumerator whenever compiler requests one.

constructor TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory.Create(owner: TCustomStringList);
inherited Create;
FOwner := owner;

function TCSLEnumEverySecondFactory.GetEnumerator: TCSLEnumEverySecond;
Result := TCSLEnumEverySecond.Create(FOwner);

The enumerator is just a variation on a standard string list enumerator - it increments list index by 2 instead of 1 and skips every second item in the list. Yes, there is no rule saying that enumerator must return all entries in the enumerated object. In fact, you can be very creative inside the enumerator. We'll return to it some other day.

constructor TCSLEnumEverySecond.Create(owner: TCustomStringList);
FOwner := owner;
FListIndex := -2;

function TCSLEnumEverySecond.GetCurrent: string;
Result := FOwner[FListIndex];

function TCSLEnumEverySecond.MoveNext: boolean;
Inc(FListIndex, 2);
Result := (FListIndex < FOwner.Count);

And the results are ...

That wasn't so hard, wasn't it? Tomorrow we'll look into an even niftier topic - enumerators with parameters.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Fun with enumerators, part 1

Iteration over containers (the 'for ... in' statement) is one of the nice things we Win32 developers got with the BDS 2005. I started using it reluctantly but recently I found out that I'm using and misusing it more and more. I started writing a short article on how to implement multiple enumerators in a class, but somehow it turned into a monster. At the moment I'm up to five parts but actually there may be more. You'll just have to wait and see.

If you don't know anything about statement yet and you're running BDS 2005 or later, open up the help and locate Declarations and Statements topic. Inside the lengthy text (near the end), there's an Iteration Over Containers Using For statements subtopic that explains this theme. BDS 2006 users may simply click this link to open the subtopic in question.

This is not a tutorial on iteration, but still a short demo wouldn't hurt. Following simple program adds three items to a string list and then uses construct to write those three lines out. Then it copies first line to a string and uses another construct to iterate over all characters in the string. Output is shown just below the code.

program ForIteratorDemo;



sl: TStringList;
s : string;
c : char;

sl := TStringList.Create;
sl.Add('Line 1');
sl.Add('Line 2');
sl.Add('Line 3');
for s in sl do
s := sl[0];
for c in s do
Write(c, '.');


How are enumerators made?

To iterate over something, the target must know how to create an enumerator. Enumerators are the mechanism used by the compiler to implement iterator support for any class, record or interface (in addition to some system types as sets and strings, where iterator support is built into the compiler).

Creating an enumerator is simple.The following instructions are copied directly from Delphi help:

To use the for-in loop construct on a class, the class must implement a prescribed collection pattern. A type that implements the collection pattern must have the following attributes:

  • The class must contain a public instance method called GetEnumerator(). The GetEnumerator() method must return a class, interface, or record type.

  • The class, interface, or record returned by GetEnumerator() must contain a public instance method called MoveNext(). The MoveNext() method must return a Boolean.

  • The class, interface, or record returned by GetEnumerator() must contain a public instance, read-only property called Current. The type of the Current property must be the type contained in the collection.

If the enumerator type returned by GetEnumerator() implements the IDisposable interface, the compiler will call the Dispose method of the type when the loop terminates.

For a practical demonstration, you can open Delphi's Classes.pas or, if you don't have Delphi sources or if you are still runnning pre-2005 Delphi, my own GpLists, which implements two enumerators. The one supporting construct on the TGpIntegerList class is shown below.

TGpIntegerList = class;

TGpIntegerListEnumerator = class
ileIndex: integer;
ileList : TGpIntegerList;
constructor Create(aList: TGpIntegerList);
function GetCurrent: integer;
function MoveNext: boolean;
property Current: integer read GetCurrent;

TGpIntegerList = class
function GetEnumerator: TGpIntegerListEnumerator;

{ TGpIntegerListEnumerator }

constructor TGpIntegerListEnumerator.Create(aList: TGpIntegerList);
inherited Create;
ileIndex := -1;
ileList := aList;

function TGpIntegerListEnumerator.GetCurrent: integer;
Result := ileList[ileIndex];

function TGpIntegerListEnumerator.MoveNext: boolean;
Result := ileIndex < (ileList.Count - 1);
if Result then

{ TGpIntegerList }

function TGpIntegerList.GetEnumerator: TGpIntegerListEnumerator;
Result := TGpIntegerListEnumerator.Create(Self);

The code is quite simple. TGpIntegerList implements GetEnumerator method, which creates an instance of the TGpIntegerListEnumerator class. That one in turn implements GetCurrent and MoveNext functions and Current property.

The trick when writing an enumerator is to keep in mind that MoveNext is called before the GetCurrent. You can assume that compiler-generated iteration loop looks very similar to this pseudocode:

enumerator := list.GetEnumerator;
while enumerator.MoveNext do
do something with enumerator.Current;

Enough for today. You probably didn't learn anything new but that may change tomorrow when I'll work on a much more interesting task - how to add a second enumerator to a class that already implements one.


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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Delphi 2007 - New Welcome Page

There will be a new Welcome page in the Delphi 2007 and it is based on the 'community' page, created by Daniel "sakura" Wischnewski as a replacement for BDS 2006 Welcome Page. I can only say hurray! to that.

What I liked about Daniel's page (and that holds for the new Welcome page too) is the Favorites list. Welcome page still shows only 5 recent projects (supposedly this is a limitation in Delphi, not in the Welcome page itself), but you can mark any number of projects as favorites and they will be managed in a special list.

New welcome page offsers structured access do 96 feeds (notably missing is, about 20 resources (from YAPP syntax highlighter to CodeGear Online), and various Help topics, but that's of little interest to me. Favourites, on the other hand, is something that I wouldn't want to live without.

[I'm blogging about Spacely - the beta version of Delphi 2007 for Win32 - with special permission given from CodeGear.]

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Delphi 2007 - More Tool Palette Changes

Yesterday I wrote few words on Tool Palette changes in Delphi 2007. Besides other, I noticed that

The only thing that's bothering me at the moment (but which may change in the final release) is that Standard components are not on the top of the list. I'll much more frequently need TButton than TSpeedButton.

Today I installed new beta and immediately noticed that this behaviour has been fixed. Tool Palette filtering now works exactly as I want!

[I'm blogging about Spacely - the beta version of Delphi 2007 for Win32 - with special permission given from CodeGear.]

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Delphi 2007 - Tool Palette Changes

This is something I really hated in BDS 2005/2006. I'm glad that CodeGear people fixed the behaviour (although I'm sure there will be people claiming that previous implementation was proper and that it's broken now).

I don't know about you, but I'm using Tool Palette filtering a lot. For example, if I have to drop a TListBox on the form, I just press Ctrl-Alt-P to select Tool Palette and type list. Tool Palette will show filtered subset of components - only those starting in list or Tlist (case insensitive, of course). Then I just press Enter to drop the selected component on the form. When I need new TButton, I do the same, except that I have to type bu. But when I need TSpeedButton, I have to type spee, because Tool Palette only matches characters at the beginning of the component's name (give or take that extra T). And when I need some very specialized button, maybe something from the JVCL or Tnt, I browse through the complete component list as I don't always know what prefix the given component uses.

This behaviour will be enhanced in Delphi 2007. Here, Tool Palette filter searches complete component name - when you type bu, for example, it will display all components containing this substring at any position, including TSpeedButton, TCategoryButtons and whole lot of other buttons. Exactly what I need!

The only thing that's bothering me at the moment (but which may change in the final release) is that Standard components are not on the top of the list. I'll much more frequently need TButton than TSpeedButton.

Tool Palette in BSD 2006 and Delphi 2007 beta

Filtered Tool Palette in BDS 2006 (left) and Delphi 2007 Beta (right)

[I'm blogging about Spacely - the beta version of Delphi 2007 for Win32 - with special permission given from CodeGear.]

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