
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sir! Do you need a list? Cheap, just for you!

Actually, it is free and comes with only one string attached.

I have just uploaded new version of my lists unit. At this moment it contains ten useful classes:

  • TGpIntegerList is a TList-compatible class used to store integers.
  • TGpInt64List is a TList-compatible class used to store int64 numbers.
  • TGpIntegerObjectList is a TList-compatible class used to store integers and associated objects.
  • TGpIntegerObjectList is a TList-compatible class used to store int64 numbers and associated objects.
  • TGpCountedStringList is a TStringList descendant that has each string item associated with an integer counter (internally stored in the Objects property).
  • TGpTMethodList is a list of TMethod records.
  • TGpObjectRingBuffer is a fixed-sized ring buffer of TObject references.
  • TGpObjectMap is one-dimensional array, indexed by objects and containing objects.
  • TGpObjectObjectMap is two-dimensional array, indexed by objects and containing objects.
  • TGpDoublyLinkedList is doubly-linked list of TGpDoublyLinkedListObject descendants.

Abuse it at will. Additions welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, a link to the code wouldn't hurt.

